Minggu, 18 November 2012

            Good Day! I’m Deo! Since the global warning, the go green program had been declared. Unfortunately, many people keep thinking that going green is complicated. Actually, it isn’t. This is my idea. We need to stop using material that made by plant, not just decreasing it. If you can’t avoid that, at least uses something that’s durable. Let’s start with the simple thing.
1. Paper, yeah. Why in the whole world we need more paper? As we know, paper is made of wood. To get wood you need to chop it down! We are in a high-technology world. Use em! You easily stored file in a computer. Scared of losing it due to technical trouble or anything? Just make back up files. Need to send it? Use e-mail! Papers are old! Only use paper in forced situation.
2. Tumbler. Tumbler is a water container. Many tumblers are durable. If you start using tumbler instead of paper cup, you just rescued a lot of wood of being chopped down! This is way the easiest way to go green
3. Stop using car, motorcycle. Those cost a lot of money, and fossil fuel. We already know that fossil fuel don’t exist forever. One point, we will run out of fossil fuel and it gone for good. What should we do? We can use public transport. Go on foot or you can use bicycle. You just double your go green! Both in environment and in money matter!
4. Plant some plant. You don’t need to plant a huge plant. Start with a small one. Make sure you water them and let them get some good amount of sun light.
5. Save some electricity. Do you keep your TV one when you’re not in house? Do you keep unnecessary light on? Do you keep your radio on when you’re sleeping? You just waste a lot of energy and money. To save light, just turn off those things. Close fridge as much as you can.
6. Plastic? Rubbish! Use your own shopping bag. If you don’t have one, use back pack. Stylish and saves a lot of plastic,
7. Save your gas. We are talking about gas that you use in stove and car. As I tell you, you should stop using car or motorcycle. If you’re cooking, don’t use your stove too long. Try just use one stove if you’re not in hurry. Enjoy the process.
Conclusion?  Go green is easy. Easier than you think. I’m Deo, thank you and good day.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Million Dollar Rule

There are 3 round

Normal Round
A toss-up played. Correct response give you $100 and a roll. Wrong response give your opponent a roll.

Rolling Phase
Each player before roll (a pair of dice), decide a magic number (Prediction of what will coming) If your roll is 7. It's a bust and worth $0. Other than 7, give you $100 for each dot. If match the roller number, the winning on that roll will be doubled. If match the loser number, you split 50-50 your roll winning


Rolling 7 may bust, but it also give you a 7. 3 7s, trade them for $777

Double Trouble
Roll a double. You must play the Double Trouble. Roll a pair of dice and times that with $150 (no busting) afterward, pick a box. Found pay, you lost money as the roll result. Found get, you won as the roll result. Roll double and you play double trouble

Round 2: Final roll
After 20 games on round 1. Final roll played. Each dot worth $500. However, a 7 makes you ELIMINATED. So you may decide not to play final roll. If both player eliminated, no Million Dollar Round played.

Pick 3 letter from Million Dollar Roll. What you found, what you get. (There are 2 1-6s and 5 0s) keep rolling till run out of roll or reach 100 more. a 7 worth 0 point. A double gives free roll. Get 101 or more, you earn $100,000. Get 100 exacta, you'll 1 million dolar fictional richer.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

This is my story


This Is My Story: Broker Terkenal

In 2030, aku akan menjadi broker terkenal. Yes, orang yang mengurusi saham, surat obligasi seseorang. Gedung Bursa Efek Jakara adalah tujuanku dan my dream adalah penuntunku.

In 2030, everybody will know me as stock guru. They will ask me for some solution. It's what i'm looks like in 2030

Money... bukanlah yang aku cari. Fame… bukanlah yang aku cari juga. Aku hanya ingin mencapai mimpiku. I want to be a person with vision not a dreamer. Seorang broker memang selalu berhubungan dengan uang, tapi bukan orang yang cinta money. Tapi seorang broker adalah orang yang senang bersosialisasi. Di trading room, dengan broker lain atau dengan client. Dengan tatap muka atau dengan telepon.

I don’t care kalau orang bilang aku matre. Karena aku tidak cinta uang. I don’t care kalau orang memanggilku Mr.Saham. Karena aku tidak mengincar title itu. I don’t care kalau orang menilai kalau aku aneh. I just believe my dream. As the song says “ Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukan dunia belarilah tanpa lelah sampai engkau meraihnya…”

Mimpi tanpa aksi adalah rubbish. Akupun akhirnya sering googling. Agar aku mengerti, akupun belajar Bhs.Inggris di EF agar aku bisa lebih mudah menggapai mimpiku , belajar dan agar mengerti saham-saham Wall Street & saham-saham lainnya. Akupun sering membuka www.englishfirst.co.id

Why should I stress? Why should I think it’s impossible? If you think it is impossible, it is impossible. If you think it isn’t impossible, it isn’t impossible. But remember, semua mimpi harus dibarengi dengan aksi. If you think you can be a superman. You can. But you need to train hard to fly or invent a jetpack. Catch your dream, jump, fly, and cross the storm till you catch it. Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi. Our dream is our leader to catch success.

To judges: Please choose me because my dream is quite unique and my story is very giving inspiration.

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Usul dong thread selanjutnya dong!

Humor: toilet

Pada suatu hari. nenek-nenek yang buta hurufakan pergi ke U.S.A. Lalu ia berbincang -bincang dengan cucu tunggalnya
Nenek:Cucuku. Nenek mau tanya kalau mau bedain toilet pria dan perempuan gimana,ya?
Cucu : Nek. Nanti liat yang toiletnya ada tulisan women berati itu toilet wanita
cUCU ; Sori,nek! lupa benar. Nah yang hurufnya lebih banyak berati toilet wanita )women and men yang dipikirin)
Di U.S.A neneknya marah besar
"Cucuku,ini lar biasa keterlaluan. katanya hurufnya yang lebih banyak toilet wanita. ternyata masuknya masuktoilet pria!!!!!!!!!"
(Kok bisa? ya bukan men .women tapi ladies.gentelman!)

Humor: dokter memperdayai pasien

Dokter memperdayai pasien
Pasien : Dok,tiap kali saya makan buah knapa saya pengennya ngasi uang ke orang
Dokter: Jadi... Bapak ingin makan apel atau pisang?
Pasien: Dokter! Dapatkan anda menyembuhkan saya? Lidh saya selalu terjulur kelyar
Dokter; Akh.. Pas banget..bisakah anda membasahi perangko ini

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Ikutlah Travian

Anda Ikut Travian. Saya punya tips untuk mendaftar travian di www.travian.co.id

1.Perhatikan News Box. Jika anda menemukan pembukaan server baru ikuti server baru itu.
NB: Berbahaya jika anda tidak mengikuti tips ini . Jika tidak ada kabar baru... Yah.. Coba server id lain (Ingat server id5 sudah tamat)

2.Anda punya teman di server yang sama yang sering OL . Bernegolah agar anda disitting
NB: Tips ini efektif jika karena alasan sesuatu anda terpaksa tidak bisa ol dengan sering

3.Aktiflah di forum untuk membantu anda mengerti Travian. Karena Travian agak sulit untuk dimengerti

4.Jika anda bermain Travian... Dan anda pemain baru (pemula asli) saya sarankan pakai Galia. It's Easy to control


Perhatian , anda mau edit...???silakan komen saja